Well it was bound to happen, I am now exalted with all major alliance factions.

This was sort of a long process that seemed like a really cool idea. When I heard that upon completion of this I would receive the title "Ambassador" in front of my name, I thought "well kick ass". So, I spent HOURS "grinding" reputation with the various alliance factions until this was completed. CHECK IT OUT! READ IT AND WEEP BITCHES!

**SIDE NOTE: This means that I am also a complete nerd.
I would like to point out that you are exalted among the Gnomerian-Exiles by a single solitary pussy hair.
Yes that is correct, but it was a huge ordeal just getting that. It is the hardest faction to gain respect with that I have ever seen. ...must be the little man syndrome.
you are a dork. oh woops, nevermind. you admit that.
p.s. so are you mr. drama
I've never been more proud.
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